I sometimes pick a travel destination spur of the moment thought I have a bucket list ( Turkey, Namibia, Alaska) and Thailand was one such. I have always loved the pictures from there : Temples, flowers, beaches, fruit stands, etc but I have to say , being there in person was even better. As a black woman, I won't shy from the fact that I have felt and witnessed some uncomfortable racial biases towards me while travelling but in Thailand by skin color or hair texture didn't matter (in the wrong way). The Thai are one of the most welcoming, happy people I have met thus far (Speaking from a tourist's point of view, because a black expat/settler might have a different experience). They were curious (If you know me, you know my afro lol) but polite , if anything I felt a little put off by the open gawking and over bearing eagerness of the Chinese tourist who didn't mask their curiosity and desire to take pictures of /or with me ( I bet my fro is trending somewhere in China right now lol) For the first leg of my trip I stayed 3 days in Bangkok residing at the Eastin Grand Hotel. I chose the hotel for it's proximity to the train system (The train has a stop at the hotel. You walk over a connecting bridge to the Train), it's beautiful infinity pool :) and the amazing views from the bath tub in the Executive Deluxe room . I loved it more for it's sumptuous breakfast buffet. I arrived Bangkok right before their New Year celebration - The Sungkran which is marked by epic water gun fights in the streets. I was dowsed a couple of times as I wandered the streets even though I avoided the main streets that were sectioned off for water fights. It was a joyous moment to be in Thailand. In Bangkok I spent my days doing what tourists do: Visiting the main tourist attractions, temples, markets but I also went off the beaten path to meet the locals in person. I met some cool folks like Akron who became my personal guide and took me to the flower market because flowers are an important part of Thai life...yes it was beautiful and smelled so good. I wanted to eat what the Thai eat and avoided the upscale restaurants.I wandered the streets looking for places I saw the locals eating and there I eat and yes, yes, it was delicious. I especially remember a soup I eat in China town (one of the biggest China Towns) that looked like chicken broth with tiny pieces of pork and herbs swimming in it but tasted divine, bonus it cost 40bath = $1.2 Next: Pictures
One reason I love to travel is for the opportunity to experience other cultures. I am wont to be in the rural areas than the urban cities because to me you learn more from the rural , often poorer folks than you do from the city dwellers who's ways are often tinted by the western culture and dictated by media , social media and other outside influences. I loved the cultural and authentic feel of Marrakech, it's people always smiling(but be weary of the ever eager to please youth who often expect remunerations for any help offered). I often get so immersed in my surrounding I forget to take pictures plus it was raining for two days while we where there but that didn't deter me from venturing out of our Raid.